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Welcome to the Ambassadors Football TREC Course.  The objective of this programme is to train, resource and equip churches and coaches in sports ministry.  The course is designed to:


1. give you a Biblical mandate and basis for being in and using sports as a tool for ministry.

2. demonstrate and explain different models of sports ministry

3. train you in the principles of coaching and knowledge of the game of football

4. stir your heart to consider and envision how God can use you in your home community


God has given us a great opportunity to impact people that share the same love of this beautiful game that we do.  In addition, God has given us the mandate to be his witnesses throughout the world.  As Christ's Ambassadors, we want to bring hope and the message of Christ to the world of football at every level.


This course will be made up of four modules, each taking approximately 4-5 hours to complete.  Each module will be divided into six short segments.  Once all four modules are completed a certificate will be issued.  Modules are, however, designed to be 'stand alone' learning opportunities and can be completed in isolation from one another.


Course Contents

Module 1 - Introduction

1.1          What is a Coach

1.2         The role of the Coach

1.3          Engles Scale

1.4          McCown Sports Ministry Map

1.5          Good Practice Guidelines

1.6          Jesus - Model of a Christian Coach


Module 2 - The Coach

2.1         Communication Tips

2.2        Coaching Formula

2.3         Foundational Techniques and Skills

2.4         Assessment Topics and Criteria

2.5         Coaching Session Evaluation

2.6         Progressing an Exercise


Module 3 - The Event

3.1           Five W Questions

3.2          Ice Breakers

3.3          Coaching Clinic

3.4          School Assembly

3.5          Tournament

3.6          Team and Club


Module 4 - The Bible

4.1           Longevity/Creation Principle

4.2          Stewardship/Liberty Principle

4.3          Wisdom/Reconciliation Principle

4.4          Church Growth/Worship Principle

4.5          Sacrifice/Foolish Principle

4.6          Issues of Controversy


- Further Study

- Reference List

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